Thank you to all who attended and participated in our 12th Annual Draw Down Hoe Down!
Rotary Club of Portage, WI
Welcome to our 2023-24 Exchange Student, Angele from France!
We are so excited to spend this year with you! Welcome to Portage, WI!

On Jul 19, 2023 Steve Gilbertson, President of Loggerhead Deco, presented to our Rotary Club about the steps involved in their manufacturing and how far out they ship to or service customers. What a great speaker!

We are always looking to schedule speakers for our noon meetings. If you know a person that could be a speaker, invite them to come to our meeting. The calendar on this website shows which weeks are open for speakers.
Please let Carol Heisz know you have booked the speaker so she can make sure to announce it on the weekly emails.
Annual Rotary Gavel Exchange 2023
We welcome our new Co-Presidents
Sarena Krueger and Robin Kvalo
for the 2023-2024 Rotary Year!

Left to Right: Sarena Krueger, Polly Koepp, Robin Kvalo

Polly Koepp gives her outgoing message to the club.

We welcome newest member, Megan Jahoda, to our Portage Rotary Club!
She’s the Portage Police Department's Community Service Officer.
Welcome, Megan!
Congratulations to our Rotary Scholarship Recipients!
Olivia Peterson $1000
Elizabeth Martens $2000
Justin Rietmann $7000

Olivia Peterson accepts her award ($1,000 Scholarship) at Portage High School

Elizabeth Martens accepts her award ($2,000 Scholarship) at Portage High School

Justin Rietmann accepts his award ($7,000 Scholarship) at Portage High School
Thank you to the scholarship committee for their hard work on determining who would receive these scholarship and to Rotarian Rich for attending the program and handing out the certificates.
On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, President Polly Koepp had the pleasure of presenting longtime member Ron Dorn with a pin for Paul Harris plus 4!
Rotary started in 1905 with the vision of Mr. Paul Harris. Continuing the legacy of our founder, the Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.
Thank you, Ron, for your continued support of Rotary, both at the local level and international!

Shown above is President Polly (left) and Rotarian Ron (right).
Thanks for visiting our site!
As of July 01, 2023 our Presidents for the 2023-2024 Rotary Year are Co-Presidents, Sarena Krueger and Robin Kvalo.
Now we meet on Wednesdays at noon! We are back to meeting at Dino's Restaurant in Portage at 12noon - 1:00pm. You are welcome to come to a meeting and check out our club.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out the application form. On the bottom right hand side of this website, there is an "Application for Membership!" you may print at home, fill out, and bring to the meeting, or a current member can obtain this form for you, too.
If you are interested coming to our club as a speaker and presenting to our members, please click on "Sarena Krueger" or "Robin Kvalo" on the top right hand side and send her a message. She will contact you soon and provide you with more information.
If you are looking for our mailing address to inform our club of your upcoming event, or to send a donation, please write the check out to: Portage Rotary Club and send it to the following address:
Portage Rotary Club
PO BOX 818
Portage WI 53901
Thank you for taking a moment to visit our website!
Immediate Past President
Come Join Us
Portage, WI 53901-9225
United States of America